segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

I dare you to try to find out where I am. Hint is, pacman ghosts ftw! =o

Shinobu here, after a looong while. ~
So, I'm kinda bad these days. I need to sleep more than I used to and I look like an old hag, always saying "I'm troublesome" and whatever so.
Thing is, I have too many things on my mind and too many stuff to do. Did you ever dreamt of maths and numbers? Well, I did. Is that enough to prove you that I'm losing my sanity?
I have a very important maths' test next week. If I have a 9,5 I'll end with a 10. If I have a lower grade than that...well, that isn't happening.
I also have an "individual group work" of Philosophy /intern joke on. Okay, it's individual and it's huge and I really don't want to do it. Bummer.
There's also Grande C. I have until 15th May (they changed the schedule, larihoo!) to deliver my awesome book (not really) whose title is gonna be The Red of the Blue North. Or not. I still haven't decided yet.
I have a Biology group work with Bruna, Mariana and Ana. That would be fine if its theme wasn't energy and if I wasn't somehow angry with Mariana. Not that I'm going to waste my time explaining it; it would make my mind explode and your mind blown away by my awesome arguments.

So, going on to something less nerdy nor annoying...
On Thursday and Friday we had the open lab. (I know it's still nerdy, but screw you. o3o)
It was really awesome. I loved the way Paula (11º class was the one that was taking over on Thursday, we were only...pets.) was and the kiddo girls we had to talk with on Thursday. But what I really loved was Friday.
So, I was stuck with Mariana. And we were supposed to be alone with 4 kids.
But there I got stuck with my neighbour aka Bruno's friend, Pedro, as well. And I also got stuck with his friend, Paulo. (MMPP, how nice! /not)
Well, they kept disappearing and I did some wrong stuff due to my nervosism. But thing is, I loved the kids and they loved us. Mariana talked more than me as usual, but they really enjoyed it. I really liked David, he was really dear and cute (I'm sure he's his class' clown, haha). Always answering and learning, those kids. It not only brought me good memories as it made me proud.

Moving on, I went to colombo today due to Carla's birthday. So, I want to wish her and Samuel onii-chan a happy b-day!
Well, it was great. Sitting with Rocha on the cinema always makes my day. Last time there was that girl with a weird laugher. This time, we all entered in the cinema room like "are we the only ones here? :O" and then we noticed two heads in the dark. We joked the whole movie and we made a great discovery: popcorn + m&m's at the same time = pure win. Seriously.
When we were taking pictures (as you can see above) there were some weird dudes that passed in front of the camera. Rocha took a picture of them on purpose and Marta said that probably they wanted to meet one of us, haha.
Still, there was something that bugged me. I bought a pepsi and it tasted really badly. It tasted like water with gas and lemon. D8
Overally, it was great. Ana, Tiago, Carlos, Elisabete, Mariana, Marta, Rocha, Bruna, Carla and I rocked it all, haha. I'm looking foward to the next birthday.

I really wished I could stay some more and go on talking. Unfortunatly, I have too many things to do as you might have guessed.
But hey. Do you like my new black jacket? And my new haircut, with the red bang? I know, it's awesome right?
Okay, ignore that.
So...I'm going to play a little of Yo-Jin-Bo. It's a sim date game that looks more like a visual novel. Oh well, besides the fact that you do almost nothing besides choosing your boy sometimes, it's still awesome. I mean, Yo rocks my world.
(get ready for a Yo fanworshipping shrine on the next post, haha!)

Nbye, minna-san! ~

Signed out while remembering today's stuff and smiling as a retard,
Shinobu. ~


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sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Dude, seriously. Those guys should quit cosplaying. õ_o

Shinobu here, laughing after looking at Barret's cosplay. ~
My humor is pretty bad nowadays. And you know why that is veeery bad?
Because I'm finally having some vacations.
And I'm not enjoying them at all.
That's the reason why this post is going to be huge. I'm going to put some random, bad cosplays here to make the humor lighter.
Well, you see, I have lots of works for school to do. I'm still in the first week of vacations and I'm already sick just by thinking that.
But do you know a good thing? I have a new mobile for 96. It's a LG GD510. It's just...freaking awesome. I might put a picture of it here later, haha ~

Just in case you're wondering wtf is that, they're Star Wars Spaceships. But of course you knew it, it's a great cosplay after all. *cough*

At least I've been busy and having fun. Mew came here on Sunday and today. She's also coming on Monday.
Thing is, she's awesome. She makes me laugh and she even pokes me. Besides, she's actually kinda good at gaming and she hates pears like me /intern joke on, so why shouldn't I be happy about it?

You know what I hated most? The fact that I watched Rec 2 and I couldn't sleep for two days. I mean, seriously! I watched the first one and had no troubles and after watching such weak movie, I couldn't sleep. I am ashamed.
But do you know the good thing of watching Rec 2 with Marg and Joris on Wednesday? The fact that after we watched Zombieland, which is now one of my favourite movies. It's just, epic win. If you don't know it, go watch it, seriously.

Also, going to the cinema with my classmates was just awesome. Freaking awesome.
We went to see "How to train your dragon" on Tuesday. The movie is just awesome and I sat next to Rocha and António, which means that I laughed the whole movie. Well, maybe not due to them, but thanks to a girl that sat next to Rocha and had a very, veeery weird laugh. She made my day, geez.

On the other Saturday it was Marg's birthday party. Even though I'm kinda late, I would like to wish her a happy birthday.
But you know what I hated most besides the annoying movie, Remember me? The fact that we were almost kicked out of the cinema. There was a stupid lady that called the security because we were talking in the break (yes, in the break!) of the movie and told him that we spent the whole movie talking. I mean, wtf?
And she even had the guts to say "stupid kids, if they want to watch a movie rent a DVD!". Seriously, now. Just remembering her face makes me wanna kick her.
But oh well. Overally it all went well, despite the fact that I felt veeery bad after riding the baloons the 2nd time. It was the first time that I felt bad after riding them.

For you who actually don't know what an "aerólito" is, it's a type of meteor (good for you I'm in science). XD

And moving on to the three of the most troublesome things I have to say.
First of all, I'm starting with the lighter of the three.
I entered Grande C. However, even though I already have the plot for the story, I can't help myself but avoid to write. I don't feel like it, I don't want to and to make it even worse, I have until April 30th to turn it in.
Let's just hope that a radiance of inspiration comes.

Second, I'm thinking of cancelling my 10th year and change the area. I don't know if I want science or not.
However, seeing how much my classmates are working and how much I like them...I can't bring the courage to do it. Not only for me, but for them. When I brought the topic up, some people were actually sad that I was thinking of leaving. Their faces reminded me of Vanessa's goodbye, if you want me to be honest. That actually surprised me as I didn't know I could cause an good impact on somebody, especially in a 10th grade class.
It seems that, after all, I still care about others. I wonder when will I be able to think more about me instead of others, geez.

Third...I'm leaving here a message to someone that isn't between us anymore.
It's someone that I knew since I can remember. As far as I'm concerned, I knew him even before I was 3. Mr Zé, the owner of my favourite cafe, proud father and husband and awesome dude, may you rest in peace now. At least your suffering finally ended.

This is it. Marta here is tired of this stuff.
Do you know when you say to yourself "I wanna go home now" when you're not home?
I'm saying it right now and I'm sitting in my room.
I feel like crying, after one year+ without tears.
Maybe I should just smash my head into the wall or something like that.
If before I was confused, then now I'm more confused than ever.
It's time for me to think what I want for my life. However...
No answers seem to come.

I want to thank Suisei, senpai and for everything.
Although you say you haven't done much, what you've been doing means the world to me.
I sometimes wonder how would I be without you. The fact is, I wouldn't be.
All the times you listened, all the times you gave me advices, all the time we shared laughs...thank you.
They say that long-distance relationships don't work, but I don't believe it. It depends on how much you like your friend.
And you are all a proof of that.

So, until I decide some stuff...that's all, folks.
I'll be trying to be fruit other than an apple. I'm tired of being the same red, ugly apple that tastes the best but that nobody picks, so to say it.
(yes, this was somehow a dark, intern joke.)

Nbye! ~

Signing out while listening to the radio in her LG,
Shinobu. ~


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