Definitly, my favourite image of Ritsu. Too bad that the lyrics appear in the screenshop, though T_T
Shinobu here, after a long, long time. ~
So, most people who know me know that I enjoy to speak english with an italian pronunciation. Well, my friends, it's all about Mussulini, after all.
And guess what? We had to read a story in English where, that's right, an italian guy spoke english!
However, I wasn't chosen to read. Still, we still didn't finish it, so if I have to read anything from the story, I'll be saying "yez yez, pless tell me wat is dat!" XD
(gotta make a reference to something else. Yesterday it was raining like hell while me and Mariana were coming home and we were talking "italian english". She wanted to say that she was getting soaked and asked me how to say it. Since I couldn't remember the word, I joked around and said "liquid", which means that now she's always asking me "Marta, are you getting liquid, yez?" XD)
Still, that is one of the happiest things that have been happening around. I'm nowhere happy; in fact, I feel like shoting myself for my stupidity.
First of all, I don't know how did I get a red grade in Portuguese. Seriously.
I also don't understand why did I have 9,9 in Philosophy. Couldn't the bitch just put a 10 there?
Also, 7,6 in Maths. It seems my work isn't paying off.
That isn't the only thing though. Someone came to talk with me after finding out that it really was me. At least he was nice.
Still, even though some people are telling me to stay in the stage, I'm leaving it. It's not my will to leave it, but staying there and having hopeless dreams is pure bullshit.
Not only that, but it seems that I'm falling down. I'm standing up, I'm not backing down and yet, I'm getting tired.
Moving on. There's a competition around here called Grande C. It's a competition for people who have between 12 and 18 years and that go to school. It has lots of categories, but the ones that I'm interested in are the writing spot (name says it all) and design (where you have to make a cover for an imaginary CD/DVD/Book/Movie).
Design would be nice, as photoshop and I are good friends, but writing is what I am concerned about. It would be awful if I lost; still, it would be awesome, not only for me but for my future, if I won.
So, what to do? I don't know.
Rocha and I had a huge conversation about it. He's the one that made me really considerate this shot. And therefore, I thank you not only for that, but for all the support you gave me.
'Cause all that matters is evolute, even if you give your best and lose.
(I know it's evolution, yez yez? Still, the rhyme is cooler with evolute D: /not)
I have until 31st March to chose what to do.
Until then...let's see how things go.
That's all, folks.
I almost never come here now. I can't afford myself to feel sad and whenever I come here I talk about something bad.
Do you believe in God? I don't.
'Cause once again, all my prayers went to the recycle bin, geez.
I seriously hope that those guys that dedicate themselves to God understand that it's useless while they still have the time to that.
Until then, I'll just sit, watching everything you do.
If there's no God watching over us, then I'll be your guardian angel.
Nbye! ~
Signed out while listening to Naihi Shinsho of One Ok Rock (blame Rocha for addicting me to it!),
Shinobu. ~