Amazing Shinobu here. ~ (come on, let me act in a coolish way at least once! XD)
So, I don't really have anything to say. My brain is always working and working, still thinking about everything.
Actually, I read my previous entries here, and I find it funny the way that I acted with some things.
You know, this wasn't the reason that I came here to wrote. However, thanks to someone, one day that was ruined by something very simple was turned into one of the best Christmas.
So, going to the main reason that I came here, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
You know, I'm not rich. So, my gifts weren't awesome or anything like that. But, the one that made me smile the most was Carla's gift. She gave me one of those mobile phone's bags, which features an anime girl. That was just so sweet!
Also, my brother David gave me that awesome anime belt. *points up to the picture*
All I need now is an anime t-shirt and tennis. I mean, come on, anime pants would be just...erm...too overrated.
Well, I'm just writing about random things. And do you know why?
Christmas isn't a season that I love that much. Well, the desserts part is great, just like being with your familly. However...
I used to believe in God and all. Hell, I even go to the church to the "Grupo de Jovens". But...I don't know anymore. All I currently know is that my mom is sad because I don't believe in him.
That's how things are. When you have too much faith, you might get blinded by it, and try to drag everybody with your beliefs.
I am sorry.
Eduardo no niisan says that "when you die, it's like you are having an endless sleep. Everything ends when you die, and that's just how things are. There isn't no such thing as Heaven or Hell, you just disappear."
I don't want to believe in it. However, my logical way of being tells me that what he says is the most acceptable explanation to the after life.
I don't know anymore. I don't even know why the hell am I sharing this.
Also, I usually think of good things when I go to sleep. And you know why is that?
I used to have lots of nightmares. Lots and lots of nightmares, with ghosts, vampires, random things. Until one day, I watched something in the TV.
It was an explanation for our dreams. Apparently, the last thing you see/think before you sleep has a higher chance to appear in our dreams. So, I've started to think about good things like my classmates, anime, family, games, friends. I've started to have good dreams once again, with the things I love most.
But now, I've had another nightmare. It's been a while since I've had one of these.
Do you know when you wake up and you can feel your sweat going down your face, and your breath is quick? That was what I felt on the 25st Christmas' night.
It's pretty ironic that I had such nightmare on such day. However, it was just a nightmare.
I won't allow them to hunt me again.
My main reason for coming here was just to wish you a good Christmas and Year.
It's amazing how our mind travels and travels and always has something to say.
What's even more amazing, is that you first think that you have lots of things to say, and you actually don't.
Oh well. And other year is going by.
At least there's something good with this.
I actually think that someone from my class likes the same person I do.
And apparently, I'm not the only one that believes in that.
If she does like him, I'll get out of the stage.
If she doesn't...I'll stay and be one of the best actresses you will ever see. Not.
And that's the power of Marta's will, haha.
I don't need claws, or horns, or anything that demons usually hold.
I just need my will. *coughs*
So, that's all folks.
Until the next year, that is.
Nbye! ~
Signing out while watching Lord of the Rings,
Shinobu. ~