terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

*too busy staring at the drawings to notice you* I'm...so...cute...*_*

Oh, Shinobu here, desu. ~
For some random reason the other post's code is all fucked up, but whatever. I don't care, so you shouldn't care either.
The thing that you should care about is the fact that I am here. (looks like a drama/romance movie stuff, wtf?)
Well, I didn't mean it that way, silly!
I didn't want to write anything here until school unless it was extremely necessary.
And believe me, it is.

So, I had another nightmare. A freaky nightmare.
And that's ruining my mind.
However, I still won't give in to stupid nightmares. Screw them.
But, my day was brightened up. And you know why?
Because Suisei's so long waited birthday plus christmas package has just arrived, yahoo~
So, I'm all happy. Mom just woke me up like "Marta, did you order something from other country?", and I was like "hããã? |DD *still sleeppy*. Then, light came to my head (amazing how this sentence has two meanings *mention to Yagami Light, to the morons people that didn't understand*) and I remembered of Suisei-twin-chan 8D~
The package contained 2 Death Note Mangas and 5 Keychains.
But, the best present she inserted there were a letter and lots of random drawings that I asked her to do. *points to the picture*
Damn you, Bruuh. Even if I know that you aren't good with messages and all, I couldn't help myself but to smile while reading your letter. You're still the funny, clumbsy Suisei-chan that I met a few years ago. And although I know that you aren't good writing things to show how you actually feel about the others, I know that you didn't do this just for fun. Like you said in your letter, "what counts is the intention", and I know that you did that with the best feelings.
I don't even know what to say to you anymore, you know. And believe me, I'm a hard one to leave without words. So, thank you. Not only for those wonderful gifts (How To Read, 13th mangá of Death Note...they don't sell it here, so I'm happy |D *drools*), but for your amazing way of being.

It's amazing how things are still getting worse here at home. João no niisan is still having argues with Vanessa, and he and dad aren't getting along...at all.
And still, some people manage to pull my mood up with simple things. I find it ironic that we put lots of efforts to do something awesome, and yet, there are simple things that can be better than that awesome thing.

So, until next year.
May your next year be full of new memories and great friendships.
After all, we should enjoy every single second that it is!
Also, please remember yourself to not drink too much while celebrating the New Year. (yeah, I'm caring like that. o3o *cough*)


Signing out while drooling at Suisei's drawings,
Shinobu. ~


Adivinha quem éé 8D

Ai que lindo, fiquei com vontade de te mandar cartas também! :/

Linda a cartinha e os desenhos :)

By Blogger Letícia, at 29 de dezembro de 2009 às 16:31  

hsuashaushau waah minha carta \(*O*)/
que bom que você gostou u_u -pensou que ia achar uma porcaria só.
nyo ;;<3

By Blogger ~Yuki~, at 19 de janeiro de 2010 às 10:03  

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sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009

Isn't it shiny? *smiles*

Amazing Shinobu here. ~ (come on, let me act in a coolish way at least once! XD)
So, I don't really have anything to say. My brain is always working and working, still thinking about everything.
Actually, I read my previous entries here, and I find it funny the way that I acted with some things.
You know, this wasn't the reason that I came here to wrote. However, thanks to someone, one day that was ruined by something very simple was turned into one of the best Christmas.
So, going to the main reason that I came here, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
You know, I'm not rich. So, my gifts weren't awesome or anything like that. But, the one that made me smile the most was Carla's gift. She gave me one of those mobile phone's bags, which features an anime girl. That was just so sweet!
Also, my brother David gave me that awesome anime belt. *points up to the picture*
All I need now is an anime t-shirt and tennis. I mean, come on, anime pants would be just...erm...too overrated.

Well, I'm just writing about random things. And do you know why?
Christmas isn't a season that I love that much. Well, the desserts part is great, just like being with your familly. However...
I used to believe in God and all. Hell, I even go to the church to the "Grupo de Jovens". But...I don't know anymore. All I currently know is that my mom is sad because I don't believe in him.
That's how things are. When you have too much faith, you might get blinded by it, and try to drag everybody with your beliefs.
I am sorry.
Eduardo no niisan says that "when you die, it's like you are having an endless sleep. Everything ends when you die, and that's just how things are. There isn't no such thing as Heaven or Hell, you just disappear."
I don't want to believe in it. However, my logical way of being tells me that what he says is the most acceptable explanation to the after life.
I don't know anymore. I don't even know why the hell am I sharing this.

Also, I usually think of good things when I go to sleep. And you know why is that?
I used to have lots of nightmares. Lots and lots of nightmares, with ghosts, vampires, random things. Until one day, I watched something in the TV.
It was an explanation for our dreams. Apparently, the last thing you see/think before you sleep has a higher chance to appear in our dreams. So, I've started to think about good things like my classmates, anime, family, games, friends. I've started to have good dreams once again, with the things I love most.
But now, I've had another nightmare. It's been a while since I've had one of these.
Do you know when you wake up and you can feel your sweat going down your face, and your breath is quick? That was what I felt on the 25st Christmas' night.
It's pretty ironic that I had such nightmare on such day. However, it was just a nightmare.
I won't allow them to hunt me again.

My main reason for coming here was just to wish you a good Christmas and Year.
It's amazing how our mind travels and travels and always has something to say.
What's even more amazing, is that you first think that you have lots of things to say, and you actually don't.
Oh well. And other year is going by.
At least there's something good with this.
I actually think that someone from my class likes the same person I do.
And apparently, I'm not the only one that believes in that.
If she does like him, I'll get out of the stage.
If she doesn't...I'll stay and be one of the best actresses you will ever see. Not.

And that's the power of Marta's will, haha.
I don't need claws, or horns, or anything that demons usually hold.
I just need my will. *coughs*
So, that's all folks.
Until the next year, that is.

Nbye! ~

Signing out while watching Lord of the Rings,
Shinobu. ~


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sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

I filmed them.
Seriously. I filmed Vanessa's goodbye in "Cá te quero", and we all said that we enjoyed her stay and all of those things and of course, lots of stupid things.
Nobody cried besides Mariana (even although António wanted me and Vanessa to cry too), but I really felt like it.
And you know why?
Because she said "thank you for everything we did in the class", while hugging me and truly smiling.
And you know why I'm saying this?
Because, after all the days that I spent saying "vacaaaations...", they finally arrived. And now, I'm really sad. Also, to make it even sadder, Vanessa is going to ESA, which means I can no longer bug her during lessons.
At first, I wasn't very troubled. I mean, we never really had a relationship, it was just pure stupidity. But now that she's really gone, you get kinda sad, especially after seeing the face she did when she hugged me. I never thought that she would ever do such face in such situation. She was sad, despite being happy of finally going to the place she always had dreamed of.
And you know what's even weirder?
Me, and I really mean it, cried. I cried when I got separated from them.
I still remember when I arrived the class, and I thought "oh no, this year is going to be so fucked up...I don't know anybody besides Mariana, Carlos and Elisabete, I'm doomed!". I remember when I got mad because I had to change seats and started to sit with Carla and with Vanessa. I remember when we did the first BG group work, when I was very nervous because my group was me, Bruno, Inês, Mariana and Tiago. I remember when me and Inês got in the same FQ group, and we were missing one person, and António came to our group and we were all nervous. I remember when Carla didn't talk to me and I was afraid of her. I even remember...I even remember when we went to the field trip, and Bruno fell 3 times in the same stairs.
I remember it all. I remember all that we did, because they aren't memories that go off after a few days. They are lasting memories.
And just as fast as this, 1st term is over.
Just like the old days of stupidities with Vanessa.
It's amazing that I'm even more sad now than I was when the 9th grade ended. This class really has a different way of acting, and caring about everyone. It's like, without one, we're not the 10º6. And believe me, it's the first time that I've ever felt that.
We are not heroes. We are not the ones you want us to be. We are not the amazing theme that pwns everybody. We are just a bunch of random people who doesn't judge others, and that loves you the way you are. We are just some dudes that like to joke around and to laugh. We are just persons who enjoy ourselves to our extreme, while helping everybody out.
And that's what makes us different.
If anybody has the power to stop the clock, then please, do it on the next term. Freeze the time and let our days last forever.
'Cause all that's good, ends someday. And for now, all I want to do is do enjoy the next years as much as I can.

"I'll lose my lunch friend so I'll stop eating and become anorexic!" - Bruna.
"Well then, I love you Vanessa." - Ana.
"You're a great friend, and a great girl." - Tiago.
"Vanessa, you need to come back to us." - Marta.
"Can't I speak badly of her? Oh well then, I hope that everything goes well." - Inês.
"We loved your presence in the class, even though you were late sometimes." - Gonçalo.
"You'll regret going away from me!" - Bruno.
"We like you a lot, and we're going to miss you." - Mariana.
"You that is watching this, you'll be missing us." - António.
"I'll come to visit you. I hope that you do the same thing though!" - Vanessa.

And that's all folks. Until the next term, that all I have to say.
I will spend the next few days playing Grandia 2, bugging my classmates and writing.
So, until then...
"This is not a goodbye, Vanessa. It's a see you later, because I'm still hoping to see you again soon!"

Nbye ~

Signed out,
Shinobu. ~


Aww, it's sucks to say goodbye to someone even though you're not that that close, doesn't it?
On the other hand, it means you're already used to your new class.

Told you high school would be awsome and quite different :P
It's too fast, i know.
Just make sure you enjoy every single moment of it and make awsome memories :D

By Blogger Sara ~, at 19 de dezembro de 2009 às 09:01  


My bad xD

By Blogger Sara ~, at 19 de dezembro de 2009 às 09:02  

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quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009

Our volcano rocks your socks! (I so love how I caught Tiago's flash in this pic) :D

Shinobu here, very proud of herself. ~
It's amazing how time goes by so quickly, isn't it?
Lately I've been very busy with lots of random things, but mainly it's school that's consuming my time.
And guess what? I have a red grade in maths, yay!
I feel like smashing my head to the wall, seriously. Oh well. Maybe I can do that with my teacher's, Prado, head. Or maybe I should just stab her and do a Rena/Mion/Shion laugh while I watch her die. It would be so freaking funny.
Oh well. Noticed how I'm getting maniac? It's Mariana and Tiago's fault. Yep, because today they came here to finish the volcano and the report to BG. When I said that I wanted to have houses in the landscape, I thought that they would find me insane. However, they agreed, and they even wanted to put people and cars there. And you know why? Because it's funny to see them getting a new colour (possible reference for magma/explosion colour, in case you didn't understand) after the "explosion" that we're going to make tomorrow. Amazing huh?
Anyway, as you can see, it's very pretty. /not
But I never thought it would come out so well. After all, I was the one who did most of the volcano stuff, while they did the report. And trust me, I suck at drawing/arts/painting. So, I'm pretty proud myself. *grins*
Well, enough of crap, seriously. I just laughed a lot today, and that's all I have to say. (it rhymes!)

But, of course, I'm seriously happy about something trivial. However, just because I am a meanie, I won't reveal it.
Or, maybe I will.
Some people like to call me Marta Luísa, mainly my stupid Philosophy teacher whose name I can't even remember, and Bruno. And now, someone that only recently started speaking with me again, in case you don't remember, decided to call me Hitsugaya. I'm glad that he gave up on that idea and started to call me Marta again, but oh well. It makes you happy when that someone calls your name, whatever name it is . And it seriously makes me laugh to think that it wouldn't bug me to be called Martinha if he was the one doing it.
It's also funny to remember that I made a stupid plan yesterday that failed, and today, I accidently did it again and it worked! (blame it on Sara, not allowing me to sleep well, geez...thanks to that, I woke up too late and forgot my maths book!)
And it's even funnier to remember that Vanessa skipped school, and then all of the sudden at BG we were like "look, it's Vanessa outside, walking with Brotas! :O". Seriously, if you're going to trouble yourself by skipping classes, at least do it well XD

To show that I'm not THAT insane yet, I'm actually sad about something. So, we had the FQ teacher who was sick and...you know the story. But, our current teacher, Carlos Melo, got a job (at ITQB, right everybody? Only Inês would know something like ITQB XD) since it was very troublesome to be there until our teacher wanted to come back. After all, if she decided "woot, I wanna to go to school again tomorrow!" all of the sudden, he would unemployed, and that's not good.
However, he was pretty cool and nice, and funny too. Our last lessons were freaking hilarious (Marta and Mariana: *laughing as hell* / Gonçalo: Now it's your turn to share the joke like everybody else! / Teacher: Finally, a good one Gonçalo! *insert laughs from everyone there* What happened you two? Care to share the joke? / Marta: Um, Mariana drooled herself. *thinking: LOL, reading "ways of exciting" instead of "ways of finding"...Mariana, such idiot!*). He even called Vanessa a "bagacina", and we learned that she didn't know who Hitler was. I mean, even ME, who doesn't know a thing (seriously, I don't.), knows who Hitler was. :O

Oh well. I'm doing my best to cheer up, but I'm having a hard time. Blame Prado on that.
Also, blame him for haunting my dreams. (I won't bother describing them, it wouldn't only make me...weirder.)
And even also, there's somebody else to blame. However, I'll keep myself quiet, in order to not get pissed in such happy day.
Tomorrow the other Marta is visiting me, isn't that great? (don't you just love when the one that's reading/listening doesn't understand the phrase when they first read it?)
So, that's all. Until my stupid vacations, geez.

Signed out while feeling proud about her volcano,
Shinobu. ~


Já te descobri, agora descobre tu quem é que eu sou.
Gostei de ver mencionado no blog que sou uma pessoa "porreira".

By Anonymous Anônimo, at 11 de abril de 2011 às 16:38  

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