terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

Yureugoku na inochi ni okuru, kanata kara no requiem.

Shinobu here, somehow sick. ~
I've skipped school today, since my body hurts like hell from P.E. The teacher said "oh, I won't force you to work that much, we have to take it easy". Easy? Yeah right! She made me do the 90 mins lesson, which means that now, all my muscles hurt ~.~
And since there's no car, I couldn't walk to the school, since I'm walking like a penguin due to the pain. Geez, I do love penguins, but I never thought of being one u_u
Well, moving on.
My brother Eduardo's birthday was yesterday. A good day, I guess. He spent his birthday the way I wanted to spend mine, screw it.
At least it had cake...!
So, I'm dedicating this part to wish him a Happy Birthday (who cares if it was yesterday?)! 8D
You're so lending me your birthday gift, haha.

Well, since I don't have much to say (or maybe I just don't want to, 'cause it even hurts my arms to type ~.~), I'm going to post lyrics here, yay! /not

Into the sea of the unconscious, I sunk my easily wounded body
To my recurring shadow, I wish that I only desire love
Bestowed upon my unstable life, a requiem from afar
A beautifully cruel melody
A prayer upon an inverted cross, eternally engraved
My feelings, too strong, begin to become twisted
Giving sleep to red eyes, sheltering an uncertain future
A melody enticing me to Paradise
Not knowing the way forward, a light burns in my heart
Held silently, as it is.

For the morons ones who don't know this song, it's called Kanata Kara no Requiem (A Requiem from Afar). It's Suigintou's image song, aka 1st of the Rozen Maiden.
Although I should be posting here the lyrics for Nemureru Shiro (Sleeping Castle), since it's Sousei Seki's image song, I'll leave that one for other day, when I dedicate a post to Suisei Seki (read the lyrics of Nemureru Shiro to understand why).
Suigintou, at ORM, is Mew.
I liked her, until *spoiler* she killed Sousei Seki. *end of spoiler*
So, I really can't do a post while being nice to Suigintou, sorry! D:
But, I love her song. Her image song, is my favourite of the 7, with Nemureru Shiro and Pizzicato Biyori (Kanaria's image song) following.
Not just the song. The lyrics are just...amazing.
While Pizzicato Biyori has a catchy tone, and Kanaria's "kashira~", this one has the lyrics.
Nemureru Shiro, it's Sousei's, has a very nice beggining, and the lyrics are also nice, but they lose to Kanata Kara no Requiem's.
Maybe it's because I somehow relate to some parts of the lyrics. Who knows...
So, go to listen to all the 3 songs, as I've got nothing else to comment about them.

I'm tired. Really tired.
All this thingy, of going to the doctor...and the homeworks. And the grades. And the teachers. And the classmates. And the shyness. And the pressure.
You know what?
The girl that remind me of Hinata...is a really bitchy girl. Now that she feels confortable with us, she's always rude, and so on.
I mean, I am rude from nature, and still I try to keep it to myself and I'm usually not rude to the others (I'm not, right? D8), so why the hell do I have to handle her stupidity? >_>'
I sure don't know what to think about the class anymore.
At the beginning, everybody seemed to be nice. Now, some people are revealing to be awful, and others are getting away from me due to my shyness. Why the hell can't I speak normally with them? The words just don't seem to appear in my mind, geez.
I don't want to be her shadow. I really don't.
And still, I'm starting to be it. And the more I try to run away from it, the more and more darker I become.
Oh well. Oh well...

So, Nbye. ~

Signed out while listening to Kanata Kara no Requiem,
Shinobu. ~


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sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

If anybody has that scan of Sion without a background, please tell me! He's so cute on it D:

Shinobu here, finally 15 years old.
If you asked me to describe today in one word, I would choose to say "fail".
First of all, thanks for all the messages of birthday and everything, my fans (Senpai was the first, Suisei-chan was the second!). I feel so loved! (L) /not
*cough* Second...
Do you know when people are all smiles around you, and later insult you when you go away, even if just for 5 mins?
Well, that was basically today.
And also, one of the things that I hate most, is when somebody insults my friends.
And that, is something that I'm not forgeting anytime soon.
If you had the moral to do it, it would be okay. But, you don't have it, not at all.
So, the next time you do it, I won't be as quiet as I was today.
You have absolutely no right to insult Pedro, just because you think you are pretty. I don't care about that, especially because you aren't, and he's just plain cute.
And also, if you didn't want to give me a gift, then you shouldn't have said that you were buying my phones.
So basically, I am pissed. Very pissed.
Do you know when you feel like "I want to cancel my birthday party"? No?
That was just how I felt today.
And if I was smart, I would have canceled it.
But no, I just let it go. Big mistake, my dear brain.

Since you aren't here to see me mad, but happy, I'm just going to talk about the happy things.
My 21st Century Breakdown CD, that Margarida bought me. I mean, it's just freaking expensive, and still, she was very sweet and bought it. And she said that she spent less that she wanted to! Gah, I so miss her. She's still the same, old Marg *-*
Also, Death Note mangá 12, which Sara bought me. It has the death of 2 of my favourite characters, but oh well. At least Matt, Mello and Near appear! *cough*
And, a lunch with a cockroach. Amazing, huh?
So basically, we were eating, and then a girl that was in the table next to us, just started to poke Sara. She was like "wtf?", and then the girl said "sorry to disturb you, but there's a cockroach behind you...". So, everybody looked at the wall behind Sara, Mariana and Arêde, and saw it. Basically, Sara jumped, Mariana got up and started to observe it, and Arêde just pushed the cockroach away.
The lunch was epic, and maybe the only part that I really enjoyed, besides talking with Marg alone when we went to buy my gift. I love to have girly conversations with her about friends and boys and etc, although I'm not girly...at all. XD

So, to most of the ones that went to my party, thank you for your company. To a certain someone, I wish I didn't invite you. To the ones that didn't go, and explained me why, no problem. To the ones that didn't go, and didn't bother to explain me why, I also hate you, don't worry. ~.~
Basically, this was one of the worst birthday's ever.
To help it, I didn't recieve the birthday message that I wanted most.
I wonder what the hell didn't go wrong today, geez.
Now I just want that the midnight comes, to end this stupid birthday.
'Cause this, would definitely be a day that I don't want to remember...at all.
Before I say goodbye, I would like to state something about the appointment with the doctor.
I'm starting to do PE, so, I don't want monday to come, 'cause since I don't do exercise for a couple of years now, I must totally suck at it.
I sure hope that my new classmates don't joke around with me because of that. If they do, then hell yeah, I'm doomed.
Oh well. Oh well...

Nbye. ~

Signed out while feeling old,
Shinobu. ~


Happy B'D.
I wonder if you are going to kill me. Well, because I only posted a comment now.
Please, do not kill me!
(what a happy topic to talk about, huh.)
Be happy and all that stuff that is good! ~

Kiss Kissus,
Mew. ~

By Blogger Mew., at 26 de setembro de 2009 às 14:35  

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quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

Who doesn't love my big Honey-chan, huh? (L)

Seki-chan he...*cough* I mean, Shinobu here. ~
I so adore how Shizu-chan calls me Seki-chan. And I also adore the fact that I'm almost 15. Or not.
I mean, I feel
When I try to remem
ber the old days, I just feel sad. If this goes on, I'm going to be an old hag who works at McDonalds, since her book didn't sell, haha.
I miss everybody, and everything. New school, new people are just...meh. I guess I'm not social like Mariana.
However, I do have good classmates, I guess. I always heard bad stuff about Tiago, but if you want me to be honest, he just rocks. Too bad that he doesn't seem like he knows how to play a rpg...
*cough* Moving on, I'm assuming that you read the previous entry. If you didn't, then what you need to know is that Sara is bugging me a lot about a certain someone.
I guess that it's because he's stupid, tall, smart, funny and cute like someone that I know? (cutting out the smart part, he is like someone that we all know...but putting it back again, he is like other someone that almost nobody knows -Q)
Oh well. And now, that certain someone is invading my thoughts. Sara is addicting me to him, it seems. And too bad that he's very friendly and that he likes to invade my personal space to speak with me (it's a lie, he usually just comes to Mariana :O), since it makes it harder to not hear his name around...nor Sara's laughs when he appears.
If he, someday, notices her weird smirk when he's near (Near...*drools*), I'm killing Sara. /sonottrue

Well, today at Biology (or BG, as the G stands for Geology), I found out that there are lots of animals in bottles at the school. I so love the F pavilion, geez. I mean, everybody loves to see a scorpion that looks alive, right? They are so cool 8D /not
And...we did a stupid group work to study some rocks. I wished I could help, but Mariana and Bruno are just too good at it, that they didn't even need my help. (yes, it's a lie again, I did help them like...3 times? *cough*)
Oh well.
Do you know the moral of the story?
Sara joked with me again, with her smirk, of course.

Since this is just a VERY random entry, I'm just going to say this:
2 days for my party and birthday, uhuu!
I so don't care.
All I want to do is to see all my stupid friends again, and to invade Margarida's house in the following Wednesday.
I'm not even having a cake. Come on, what kind of birthday doesn't have a cake?
It's just...sad.
I hate being poor. (who doesn't?)
And do you know what I also hate?
I told everybody that I didn't need any gifts. And all the morons want to take me shopping at my party to get me a gift, because they don't know my tastes!
I mean...most of those retards know me for years, and still they don't know me enough? Geez.
So, please, if you are going to my party, and are reading this, do NOT go there with the intention of giving me a gift. I don't want to look like a Christmas Tree while walking around with tons of weird bags full of gifts.

Basically, I give up. Yes, I give up!
I'm just going to grow old.
Oh well. Maybe my book will still be at a bookstore as a bestseller when I die, like Michael Jackson. Or maybe, I'll even become more famous after my death. (Although I'd rather to be famous now, haha.)
I just want to get through High School, and write my dear Yumemiru Shoujo no Megumi/Setsuna, or Blood something. Maybe Blood Lust? Sounds too "normal", I guess.
Ooooh well. Let's see just how everything is going to be.
Will it stay grey, or will the clouds go away? (omg, it rhymes! Oh, Rhyme...she's just too adorable *cough*)
Who knows? I certainly don't.
And if you do know...please tell me, as I can't figure out any solutions to my troubles.
I'm just too busy trying to keep Sara pumped up. Trust me, I never thought it would be so hard...
So, I almost have no time to think, to observe everything, and to make a last decision about what I wanna be.
Indecision sucks, although it is the name of a great ost of Evil Zone that I love *gets kicked*
Well then, tomorrow I have an appointment with the doctor, so I'm going to sleep. I just hope that at least, there are any good news.

So, Nbye ~

Signed out while playing Evil Zone again,
Shinobu. ~


Hey hey hey, I'm sorry that i can't be with you tomorrow, Marta DD:

Wish ya the best day of ya life :B

By Blogger ∂ανι∂ ѕαмυeℓ™ ~, at 25 de setembro de 2009 às 09:49  

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terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

It's amazing how Neku, Shiki and Rhyme of WEWY are addictive...and so is Twister. /O/

Shinobu here, yawning a lot. ~
First of all, I'm tired as you might have guessed, so don't expect a great and awesome post here as usual *cough*
I discovered that my stupid BG book is from the 11th grade. I mean, wtf? So, basically, no BG homework for me until I get the 10th book, haha.
But, oh well. School and Sara have been consuming all my time lately.
The school topic, you already know it. Classes, homework, studying (which I don't do, of course), and so on.
Now, about Sara...
There are lots of things happening in her life. I'm not even sure if I'm enough to help her to stand against them.
However, as your baka best friend, I'll always keep you pumped up! *insert smirk here*
Moving on...
My birthday is almost there! 4 days left, hell yeah! O/
The party is going to be very troublesome. I still believe that I'll be able to go through all the troubles and make it an okay day, though.
Also, Mariana, no, I won't invite him. Although I'm tired of taking names of the "to invite" list, since it's huge, I won't even consider to insert his there.
Oh, speaking of birthdays...today is someone's birthday. Someone that we all know very well...correct! Tom Felton, happy birthday! 8D *gets kicked*
Still, he should repeat more often the cool nickname that he gave Harry Potter...Saint Potter! ;_;
*cough* Moving on, once again...
Did you know that best friends tend to be very annoying? And do you know why?
Because they freaking know you, and everything about you! T_T
It gets annoying that they know exactly how to make you smirk in a "I don't mind" way, although you are mad, geez.

Well, we're almost done here.
Did you know that I hate most of the persons that exist nowadays?
I don't get them. I used to, but they just got...ridiculous. I mean, it's all about the outside nowadays, basically.
I'm more than a elephant (I've already lost 2kgs! yaaay! *cough*) with glasses, okay. So please, no labels here. *insert cool smirk here* (no, it's not impossible...I do know how to do it, haha.)

So, what about me going to bug you-know-who a little more?
Well then, later.

Nbye, everyone! ~

Signed out while singing Twister,
Shinobu. ~


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sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

Setsuna is quiet and so kind-hearted...and one of my fav chars, haha 8D~

Shinobu here, while drinking water. ~
(what? It's healthy!)
First of all, this is going to be a very, I repeat, VERY big post.
If you don't feel like reading, don't. It doesn't bother me at all.
But maybe, what you are going to read is interesting for you, because I've decided to post the lyrics here.
And, of course, I'll be speaking a little about myself at school, duh.
This time, we'll do it reversed...so, I'll start with school.

First of all, the teachers. Some are nice, others aren't. I'm seriously pissed at the P.E teacher 'cause she ordered me to buy equipment for the class in order to "do some activities like cheer and guide your classmates". I mean, who the hell dresses up for running if all I have to do is scream some stupid things, and to wristle? (please, no dirty thoughts here ;_;)
*cough* Moving on to my classmates...
Today Bruno decided to draw us in a funny way since we had a free hour (it's the only thing that I thank to the stupid P.E teacher for), but, since he draws very badly has lots of artistic skills, we had to ask Maycow to finish it. Oh well, it was funny anyway XD
Also, I discovered that the bitchy girl isn't that bitchy...it seems. But, I still don't like her, haha.
You know what? I think that I'm going to enjoy this, even if just a little bit.
At least nobody judges me for being shy...if I'm next to Liliana, nobody will think that I am shy, since she's so shy that it balances all the bitches who like to flirt around in Portugal. o_o

Well, I think that you couldn't care anyless now about what I am writing here, so, I'll just go to the main topic, the lyrics.
Ever felt down, and that nobody understanded you?
Ever thought of killing yourself?
I'm guessing that the 1st option is the most common. Either way, I know cases of the 2nd one, so I'll also speak about it.
The so waited lyrics (not), are from One X, which belongs, of course, to Three Days Grace. (like you weren't expecting that from me at all *irony*)
Since I don't feel like posting the whole lyrics, I'm just posting the phrases without repeating them.

Do you think about
Everything you've been through
You never thought you'd be so depressed
Are you wondering
Is it life or death
Do you think that there's no one like you

We are
We are the ones
We get knocked down
We get back up and stand above the crowd
We are one

The life I think about
Is so much better than this
I never thought I'd be stuck in this mess
I'm sick of wondering
Is it life or death?
I need to figure out who's behind you

We stand above the crowd.

So, for all the ones who didn't understand it, I'll make it easier for you.
I'm a moron who's mostly labeled as a shy, stupid nerd. Most of the people also like to use terms as "ugly", "weird", "annoying". Either way, it doesn't matter.
All I know is that I tend to keep everything inside, because I don't believe that someone is able do understand half of what I go through everyday.
There are tons of people out there with the same issues.
Others are hated by their own parents, others don't even have them.
The thing is, you have to learn something.
If you fall, it's okay. But, you can't expect your friends to get you up again. They also have their own troubles to mind.
You have to get up for yourself.
Yes, you might be thinking that what I am saying is pure crap.
But, it's the truth. I was at the bottom, and today, I'm standing above the crowd, despite of everything that happens.
True, I still only sit and watch what happens, but I'm trying to change it.
That's the difference.
You can't just sit, and think "I'm so unlucky", or "I'm useless", and so on. Everybody has a meaning of existance, and even if our life doesn't seem as good as the cool, popular dude of your school, it doesn't mean that the motive of you being born is lower than him. Maybe, you're even better than him.
We are WAY above the crowd. 'Cause, my friend, I am a proud One X.
So, get up your lazy mind up, and stand with us.
If you end up killing yourself, then you'll be just as twice as useless as you are now.
At least, live to find your meaning, 'cause it will come.
Some meanings come soon, others later.
It doesn't really matter...
Just stand above the crowd!

Guess that's all.
I hope that after reading it, that your mind changed a little.
If not, at least I tried, and that's also what you should do.
Try, even if you failed once, twice, and so on. You can do it.

So, I'm tired. After all, I'm not used to get up at 6:50am to walk to school. I miss my brother's car, geez.
I'm just going to literally jump to my bed, and sleep like hell.
Everything would be perfect, if I didn't have to get up at 9am to go out to buy the stupid equipment for P.E. Geez...
Also, I would like to thank senpai for all the help she's been. If it wasn't her, I don't know if I would even post this. So, thanks XD~
Oh, and, I've finally fixed the layout. It was troublesome as hell *yawns*

Nbye, everybody! ~

Signed out while drinking more water,
Shinobu. ~


Hey Marta, don't make me go to your home or school and kick ya ._. .

I already told ya, yes, you are troublesome sometimes (a) , but your aren't ugly, wierd, annoying and stuff like that.

Ya are one of my closest friends hehe.

Miss ya all ~

тѕυвαѕα нιяσgє, ασι ѕєкαι є... ~

By Blogger ∂ανι∂ ѕαмυeℓ™ ~, at 19 de setembro de 2009 às 00:31  

Maybe your P.E teacher asked you to buy the equipment to make sure you fit in with the rest of the class, even though you don't run and stuff.
And your classmates seem to be nice. You even have some sort of a real Hinata, what else could you wish for? :p

I might go check that song. I never heard it before but i loved the lyrics ^0^
You're not a moron, nor a stupid nerd though. I wonder how the hell do you come up with such things! :o
Even if you think no one is able to understand how you feel, at least give it a try.
It's true that you have to get up on your own because you'll have to do things by yourself at some point but, it's okay to ask for help if you need it.
And the cool, popular dude isn't always as cool and popular as you think he is.
Comparing your life with someone else's is pointless.

I don't think i helped at all, you did everything on your own.
But thanks :p

By Blogger Sara ~, at 19 de setembro de 2009 às 06:18  

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terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009

I wonder who Mi-kun likes most...Champions or Witches *drools*

Shinobu here, somehow pissed. ~
First of all, I don't know why the hell doesn't the layout appear. And since I should be already sleeping, and I'm trying some stupid clothes, I won't even bother with it now.
Remember what I said that I was going to post here?
Too bad, there's no time for that.
Stupid school is consuming my time, and I'm not happy about it T_T
First of all, there are some rumors around saying that they'll put vinagar in the school's newbies heads. The hell I'll allow them to!
Second, I don't think that I fit there (that was also a joke about my weight, I'm seriously fat. Who the hell gets more 6kg during vacations?! Only me, of course). You look around, and you only see cool, cool, cool, cool, nerdy, cool, cool, and more cool people. What happened to the "whatever gamers" like me? Geez, I'm all alone in the "gamers" world.
Also, I don't like the idea of studying a lot to get good grades. I mean, I spent the whole vacations thinking about my new partners (*cough* and being a fangirl and playing *cough*), I didn't had the time to think that I'm going to have to work.
I'm lazy, face it!
And no, you can't say that you are lazier than I am, 'cause you aren't. Someone who doesn't even get up to eat when she's hungry, just because she's lazy, it's just...geez.
Well, speaking of my "new partners"...they're all just some cool bastards (orly?). And there's two nerdy girls, one that I already knew from the church's group (omg! I found a good thing from going to the church to meet them at the Saturday, it's a miracle!), that goes by the name of Elizabete. I also have a stupid bitch very nice girl in the class that was just having a bad day (TPM, maybe? haha), which make me control my side that wanted to punch her in the face.
I also have a sweet girl, that I think that I'm going to like. And, I have a boy that's as stupid and funny as Igor was.
And, I have some other girl from my school that I won't even bother mentioning 'cause I just don't feel like it (it's just the mood, 'cause she's really a nice girl *cough* *wristles and looks away*).
I also have Mariana, Carlos and Tiago in the class, although I never spoke with the last one. The other 2 are pretty cool and awesome, so heh.

Since I'm really late, and I should probably already be sleeping, I won't bother you with anything else, hah.
OOOOR, maybe I will.
Mew and I decided to create a new char at Trickster. My boxer is just a freaking retard too awesome for me to play with, so I'm going to raise a sheep now (noticed how this sentence has two meanings? XD). Mew is going with a cat, heh.
The stupid Kushi will go away, finaaaally...to be replaced with Kiev. GEEZ, I so hate nicknames (unless they are cool, like Shinobu!).

And now, I'm done.
Done for it, seriously.
I don't even know if my mind will be strong enough to post those lyrics that I wanted to.
I don't even know how the hell I'm going to be after this.
A stupid nerdy, a cool, bitchy girl, or still the old "whatever gamer". I really don't know.
I wonder how long will I stand with my current personality.
I wonder if I'm going to have to fake smiles everyday like before.
I really...don't know how things are going to be.
But, let's just hope for the best, once again...
If not, I'll sit here, watching everything, as usual.
If something actually changes...then, I'm sorry folks. I'm sorry if our friendship also changes.
I do believe that High School is the time where your personality is finally formed.
And I don't know if the current me is the one that I want to keep until the rest of my life.

Well, enough with the sad things, I'm going to try on more stupid clothes and to sleep.

Nbye and work hard at school, don't be lazy like me! ~

Signed out while being lazy,
Shinobu. ~


The layout shows up again, no worries.
Your school's tradition.. poor freshmen kids. I wish i could be there to make sure you'd be safe and whoever you hate would suffer :P
And cool is quite subjective. Clones aren't cool.. at all! You're cool in your own way and, truth to be told, you're not a nerd looking girl.
/me loves your hair to death
You just need to get used to your class and whatnot. Believe me when i say you'll have so much fun in high school n_n

It's indeed in high school when you form your own personality. Don't worry about it, it will come naturally. And no matter how much you change, you'll always be my cute kouhai :D

I too need to work hard to beat math.

Ganbatte ne !
So we can spend some time @ Eden 8D

By Blogger Sara ~, at 16 de setembro de 2009 às 03:18  

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quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

Poisoned by a notebook, grasping onto fear from earthly desires
Incessantly drooling from the delusion of giant lies
Judgement, prattling on about generalizations of crime
Who would be able to do anything like break the deadlock?
[Yes, I do know that those lyrics are from Death Note's 2nd ending, and that the picture if from Tales of Symphonia, but who cares?]

Shinobu here, feeling like writting. ~
I had a lot of crap planned to be post here, a long time ago.
So, yes, this is one of those big posts.
First of all, I am seriously stressed. Stupid school is almost there, and I really don't feel like making new friends, nor watching the faces of some stupid people, geez.
I must look like a spoiled brat right now, but I have lots of issues at people. Don't ask me why, I just think that I would be better off without most of the beings. (yes, beings, not humans...and no, this is not something that I'm going to explain for you to understand. Some people got the message, others didn't, and I couldn't care any less.)
Tomorrow I'm going to check the classes with Sara, and I sure hope that Mariana is on mine. It's almost certain that she is, but still...meh.
Also, I'm going to pick up my damn glasses. They are finally fixed!

Moving on to other stuff...I went to visit Mew on Sunday. I believe that her parents are going to hate me since I visited right away, go figure.
Anyway, I had fun, and I hope that she did as well *cough*.
And, yes, I like your dogs, despite of my afraidness...but, they are cute and they don't bite me, so I guess that's just fine.
I hope that we can spend more time together :3

Well, carring on.
The lyrics, at the beggining, aren't there for nothing. First, I thought I should make a post about other lyrics that give a lesson that I find important for all the morons persons in depression and all of those things, but since usually I'm in a bad mode, I just decided to keep that for the next post, when I'm able to properly speak about it without being too mean. *cough*
Although the notebook thing doesn't apply to us, since the death note doesn't exist (or does it? *smirk*), the last sentence is really what I've been wondering about.
Yep, I've already posted an entry about it, which was pretty big.
And still, it haunts my head, and I can't properly focus on whatever it is.
I really wonder if there's someone that is able to change the the time of death of each human, or even some way to extend our time here. If that was possible, then I would try to reach it, in order to have more time to sort my stuff and to watch how the world changes. And maybe, then just maybe...I'll might try to change it myself.
They might be useless dreams to everybody...but the truth is that I believe that I could die in peace after changing a little that it is of the world for better.

Well, moving on to other things...
ICREATEDADRAIK,YAY! (no, I won't bother explaining what it is to you.)
*cough* I found out that my titles for fanfictions and stories are always badass (you gotta agree, it's the only thing that I like about my stories!), but my titles of the blog are pure crap. I mean, seriously, wtf? I'm really glad that I coded this layout in a way that doesn't allow you to see the titles. Good grief...

Moving on again, to the last thing that I have to say today...
Me and Lari-chan started to CP (aka RP, for the ones who don't know it.) again. I really missed her when she went away, since she was one of my few friends that actually enjoy to do something like that.
I so love my dear Kurogawa *drools*
Well, since I'm being a fangirl to one of my OC's of neo, I think that I'm just going to shut up.
(also, if you want to do CP, or anything like that, feel free to say it...finding new people to do it is always fun! :D)

Well, I'm looking foward for tomorrow, even if it means that I'm getting closer to school days *sigh*
I sure hope that I get another gamer classmates...especially if they are similar to some certain character from a certain place *looks at senpai* *major cof cof*
...or some major badass, a cutie who likes cake, or a smart albino-boy *cof cof*
Well, putting aside my fangirl dreams...It's amazing how now, I notice how my classmates were awesome, despite of everything. But, don't get too cocky, you're still a bunch of morons! *smirk*

I feel like laughing like Kira or Rena, for some random reason. But, if I try to, my mom will think that I've finally got mad. Oh well, gotta keep my random wishes to myself, darn D:
So, I'm going to logout while eating a chewing gum (hell yeah!), since there aren't any lollipops today. It's such punishment for me to not have any lollipops left...T_T

So, Nbye~ to everyone! /not

Signed out while deciding whether to laugh like Kira/Rena or not,


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sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

I love taking prints, and I love this one of Near and Mello, so yeah, I had to post it! 8D

Shinobu here, with a new layout. ~
That's correct, your dear lazy friend decided to give this page a new face 8D
I gotta say that I don't really like the way that it came out, but since it was "acceptable", and it features Higurashi (don't you just love them? *points to Mion, Keiichi, Rika and Hanyuu*), I thought I should use it anyway.
So, my head kind of hurts from all the coding, and I really feel like sleeping.
Why am I posting then, you ask (or not, but I don't care.)? I want to record the day that I beat lazyness! 8DD /moron

I'm in a grey mood, and maybe that's the reason why I can't stop listening to Grey from Yellowcard...go figure.
You should listen to it! *-*
It's all gone grey (8)
Oh, sorry, returning to the grey mood thingy...
My glasses broke, and are getting fixed, so I'm wearing my old ones, which sucks, like...A LOT. They are all fucked up, and so is my mind after wearing them all those days.
Also, as the retard that I am, I'm still thinking about the new school. I mean...the presentation is at 15, how the hell am I supposed to be happy?
New partners, new friends, new nerds/bitches to piss me off. What's so happy about that?

Since if I keep going, your head is the one who's going to hurt, 'cause I'm really in a weird mood, I'm just going to stop now.
Sleeping is good...and so is my pillow.
So, time for me to go 8D

Nbye! ~

Signed out while hugging her pillow,
Shinobu. ~

(Noticed the new
goodbye? Yes, we are inovating! And, to all the copycats that decide to also copy that...you are SO dead. And yes, that's a warning :D)


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