segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009

Ritsu, we all love you! (Y)

Shinobu here, somehow calm.

So, the main item of this post is, of course, my meeting with Mew.
It was pretty troublesome at the beggining, since they got lost and everything...but then, our parents just started to talk, and talk, and talk...and we were like "yeah, hum...", and I was so nervous that I couldn't stop smiling XDD
But, they kicked us out and we talked "normally" :P
Since, most likely, Mew would kill me if I would get into details, I'm just going to say that I am very happy, and that I really enjoyed meeting you. ^-^
And, to make it even better, mom is already considering senpai to come over, haha! (I guess that she really loved Mew XD)

Well then, moving on to other things...
Wow, 4 comments in one post? I'm getting famous. /not

And, to Luh-chan...indeed, Matt is really a hawtty-chan, but he's mine Ç_Ç /not(x2)
So, to all the Matt's fangirls over there...I'm really sorry 8D /not(x3)
Oh, and you know Near? He's also mine...too bad D:
L? No, you can't have him...he belongs to senpai.
Mello? Nop, he belongs to M...
At least you can have Light, or the world's biggest gay ever, Mikami! ^^'
Sorry, sorry...I know that I am very mean, and that I don't like to share, but I couldn't care any less about it 8D

Also, I've added 2 random stories to Nyah!, so stop being lazy and go to check them :D' (I know, I hurts to beat lazyness, doesn't it? Now you know how I feel.)

Oh, and you remember the gay boss? Already killed him 4 times. Hell yeah, serves you well for teleporting me over 20 times!

I don't have much more to say today...only that tomorrow I'm going to the new school with Sara to check for schedules and that crap. It's too freaking hot to walk that faaaar.
But, oh well...if it is with Sara, then I guess we'll live, since we'll spend most of the time talking as usual ^^'
I'm going to leave now, while listening to Don't say 'lazy' (yeah, I'm dedicating this one to Ritsu, 'cause she owns and we love her [and Mio and Yui and Tsumugi, but Ritsu is just...the best o3o]! \O/) ~
Go to listen to it, and then listen to Bitter Sweet Beauty Song, and Cagayake Girls!, 'cause they all rock *_*
Oh well, I guess that I've already talked a lot about K-on, so just go and watch it, 'kay?

Bye bee! ~

Signed out while singing "Please don't say "you are lazy", datte hontou wa crazy",
Shinobu. ~


I told you there was no need to be nervous. I knew you'd have fun :p
And i really appreciate the fact that your mom is considering my visit btw xD

L is mine indeed, thanks for mentioning it.
I'm thinking about taking Light as well. I always liked bad guys anyway :D

And soon you'll be famous at Nyah! and too good to be able to kill that trickster boss ^0^

Good luck with the schedule and stuff.
You just reminded me that i need to check mine too.
Hah.. i hate September! >.<

By Blogger Sara ~, at 31 de agosto de 2009 às 18:38  

You filthy bloodsuckers
The girl should be mine
Sure, sure girl I'm hot
But I wanna get all 108.9 degrees up in your business
... OH! Sorry. o3o ~
It's just awsome. HELL YEAH!
Thanks for the comment, but...

From the first time that I saw you
I wanna eat you up
Your sweetest scent makes me wanna bite you
But I won't
I wanna eat you up

Urgh, again, sorry. I'm happy about your visit, ya know QQQ ~
Well, I think I'll stop now 'cause I'm just saying crappy things.

Kiss Kissus,
You Know Who ~

By Blogger Mew., at 2 de setembro de 2009 às 11:29  

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sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

Matt rocks *coughandhe'shotcough*, but I wasn't expecting him in my dreams XD

Shinobu here, with some stuff to say. ~
There are 3 main reasons to post here, so I'm going to say it quickly, and later make a bigger text for each section.
2nd: Mew posted a comment, and I'm getting anxious to meet her on sunday.
3rd: I dreamt with Matt, wth?

Well, the first topic...
After wasting lots of aprons to enter the tests in order to meet the boss, I finally had a good idea, and, we created a great plan which made our mission (aka killing him) successful.
Although Mew fainted (it was my damn fault...sorry T_T *kicks the internet, which lags a lot*), I was able to go through his "friendly" soldiers and kicked him to death, since he was almost dying. And, therefore, I'm very proud to say it: We killed him in a epic way! (you gotta love dash, right dear? I didn't get teleported 5 times due to it [yep, I did count it] *-*)
Still, he didn't drop anything good, so we'll go there again until he drops my next equips *cof cof*
So, until then, I'm just going to level up the skills, in order to learn one of the the great boxer skills, uppercut. :D

Moving to the next section...
I have another person to comment here yay! This time it's Mew (now she's the one that's everywhere in this post, haha) 8D
You don't know how happy it makes me to recieve comments, do you?
I'm a very weird person who enjoys to recieve praising messages, or even just stupid messages, from whoever it is. And, although I'm a huge fan of simple things, I must say it...the bigger comments are my favourite *cof cof*
It's the same with reviews, and, using this topic over here, I'm proud to say that I've finally posted Phantom School in Nyah! Fanfiction, so why don't you go and read it? 8D (ignore my actions to get reviews, again...)
And, 2 days left. They are going by reaaally slowly, but at least that way, my vacations look bigger *cof cof*
I'm sooo happy to finally meet you, despite of our phone calls, dear! *-*

So, the last, and weirdest topic ever...
I dreamt with Matt. Seriously, dreaming with Mello and Lê was already weird, now Matt? At least when it was M&L (quick way to say Mello and Lê), it was a romance between them, which I helped to form *cough*. But, this time, it was me...and Matt. o_o
So, I'm going to make a, erm, summary of what happened.
There I was, in the new school (believe me, I'm starting to get paranoic about it o_o), with my new class. Going by the fact that half of us chose science, and the other half chose arts, we had separated classes. So, I was walking to my math class (even the name of the subject is simillar to his name ._.), to see that the teacher was, of course, Matt. There he was, playing as usual, and told us to sit. Then, all of the sudden, he said something like "since this is the first lesson, you can do whatever you want to, unless it screws me...or worse, makes me die in the rpg". So, while all my classmates were chocked, I went to see what he was playing, to find out that it was...Trickster. Yep, you read it well. (I believe that I'm getting too addicted to too many things...)
So, I started to visit Matt during the breaks to play along, and well, I'm not going to continue, leaving your imagination do to it.
At least it was a nice dream, although, erm...weird.
(That's what you get when you are a fangirl *cof cof*)

Oh, and now, I'm going to use this post to say something. (yeah, even more stuff )
My posts are getting's getting creppy o_o (look at the last post to see what I mean)
So, now, I'm going to enjoy my lollipop that my mom bought 8D
Yep, a lollipop. It's amazing how I act like a little child when it comes to candy...especially lollipops *always does some childish faces while eating one*
And, with that, I'm ending this post that is also huge 8D''

Signed out while eating a lollipop,
Shinobu. ~


Congratz on killing the boss! :D
Let me know if you need any help with the answers again.

Gomen for not writting any reviews on your fic @ Nyah! but i really can't be assed to create an account >.<'
I hope you continue to send me the next chapters before you post them there though :p

And meeting internet friends so much fun. I can tell.
I'm sure you'll have fun with Mew-san, don't be so nervous/anxious/whatsoever ^0^

Oh yea, i LOLed @ your dream.
I have plenty of those when it comes to my beloved Johnny Boys, believe me.
But at least you wake up in a good mood, ne? ^-^''

And of course, lollipops ftw! *_*

P.S - Gomen for an even bigger comment u_u'

By Blogger Sara ~, at 28 de agosto de 2009 às 09:09  

Hiya, Shinobu desu ~ .

Long time since i posted a comment (a)

First, gratz on killing the Gay boss xD

I wish that I could go with you on Sunday x.x . And I gotta update my Trickster e.e .

Ya dreamt with Matt because DN pwns xDDDD

I don't know what to write anymore because i am busy with my Nero @ Devil May Cry 4 *.* , devils and blood, it rocks :b

By Blogger ∂ανι∂ ѕαмυeℓ™ ~, at 28 de agosto de 2009 às 10:13  

Smartie, heei again! ~
Don't really know what to say again, so it may sound weird. :P

Well, I don't think I can go to Trickster today (uhm, obvious.) so don't wait for me or something like that. Tomorrow we'll try to kill that Stupid Gay Boss. u3u

So... Yeah, lollipops are good, and we are not childish for eating them. 8D -okn.

Well, I'll try to go to msn now...

Kiss Kissus,
Mew ~

By Blogger Mew., at 28 de agosto de 2009 às 14:54  

Vou deixar em português mesmo porque eu não sei inglês =x Preciso treinar essa coisa, mas eu de fato sou melhor em espanhol que inglês! =X

Sonhar com o Matt =P Já sabia dessa =P auhahuauuhahauhauh! :D

Fala verdae, o Matt é BEM BONITO *-*
E eu também gosto de doces *faz cara de emburrada e começa a pisar no chão com força* Eu queroooo :S

São quase 3 da manhã aqui! E eu sem sono e com os olhos ferrados meu deuus!
E esse tradutor que eu uso é uma drogaaaaaaaaa XD
Mas então! amei sua fic do trickster como eu amo tudo aquilo que você escreve /o\

By Blogger Lucinha, at 29 de agosto de 2009 às 22:55  

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terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009

I want this Shinku Figure, it's so pretty! *feels poor* T-T

Shinobu here. ~
It's amazing how I have a lot of things to do, and still, I'm bored. I guess that's what you get when you still can't kill the damn gay boss (edit: WE KILLED HIM! YAAAY...erm...*cough*).
I am starting to get down...I mean, come on! Vacations are almost over...
I'd rather read yaoi/incests than having to return to school (believe me, I haaaate both).
And, going by the fact that it is a new school, I seriously don't feel like the idea.
So, just like in all the other vacations, I'm going to spend the rest few days in a grey mood, darn.
It has been really funny, to be over here, playing all the kinds of games, writing fics, sleeping well, invading others houses...still, it will all be over soon.
Yeah, I know, soon the vacations will come again and I'll be able to do everything again...but it won't be the same thing.
And I've been wondering, on the past days...I love games, and all of that stuff, but, going by the fact that we all have a ticking clock inside us, counting the time that we have left in the world, should I really waste my precious time on them? I that I've been thinking, I don't even know why do I waste my time on trying to write, when I don't seem to get any better (or even drawing).
I've reached to one conclusion after all those thoughts...I believe that I play to be acknowledged, since it's the only thing that I can really do. And, the writing...maybe I want to leave memories of my thoughts?
When we die, everything vanishes with us...and, I want to stay alive in the books, like many people do.
Take as example Luís de Camões...he died a long time ago, and still, everybody knows him.
But, I don't seriously know...why do I even want that.
I guess even I, who couldn't care any less about the world choices, going that the fact that I'm not going to be here later...could want to change the world.
Everybody seems to be worse and worse, as time goes by...
Honestly, I don't even know what to think anymore. And, seriously, I don't even know why I think so much. That's the reason why I sometimes hate to have a brain.

What I find even sadder, is that our inner thoughts, are just for us...and even if you explain them well, nobody will ever understand them like you do.
Because, after all, whatever we do, we must live on ourselfs, not on others.
So, I'll just carry on, watching the world ruin itself, and playing/writing...who knows, maybe someday I'll have the guts to do something, or maybe I'll stop caring about everybody (= big dream).

See? That's why I hate to be the logical type.
I waste time thinking, and thinking (and writing big texts that nobody *coughorsenpaicough* bothers to read)...I guess it would be quicker and less troublesome, to throw some colours at a palette and to see a great art that would be later at a museum being formed.
I guess that my thoughts are what I get for being who I am. Sometimes, I love to be myself, others, I wished I didn't was the way Iam.

To end this with other mood...Mew is coming over on Sunday (at least something good to me to not sulk about). I sure hope that her mom doesn't hate me, 'cause if she does, I'll never see her again. *sad*
I'll just trust myself, as least most of the parents that I know like me (unless their sons were lying when they told me "my mom likes you a lot!"...), I guess.
So, I guess I'll post something here after it...or maybe even before.
It's all about boredom, darn.
And I admit it, I'm seriously bored today.
So, to end it...I'm going to sleep *yawns*.
Since yesterday I dreamt with Lê and Mello...let's just hope that today it's a good dream with a cutie from an anime again (Mello is not cute, he's...erm...*coughhotcough*).

Signing out while yawning again,
Shinobu. ~


Heeeei, see, I posted a comment! ~
So, how ya doing? (uhm... I talk with you all day, so you don't really have to answer that o3o)
Now more serious. I like your blog very much, and we really need to finish that guide. He deserves to die and burn in hell. He and Bara-Trash, 'f course. MWAHAHAHAHAH.
Okay, I'll stop now.

Kiss Kissus,
Mew. ~

By Blogger Mew., at 28 de agosto de 2009 às 07:41  

Férias Férias, as minhas se foram a muito tempo. Agora eu não tenho tempo amis nem de almoçar, acredita? =-=" auheuuahe é ossoooo!!!!!!

Mas sabe você não está perdendo seu tempo se fizer algo que você gosta! Ser reconhecido é até legal =P mas vai saber, tudo tem o a favoor e contra não é?

Hoje eu estava pensando, se eu tivesse muitos filhos e educasse os adeuqadamente eu iria contribuir para um mundo melhor, colocando mais pessoas boas no mundo O.O auhUHAahuHUAH *meus pensamentos são algo um tanto estranhos*

Bem, eu fico feliz que sua amiga esteja indo te visitar! e eu sei que vai dar tudo certo! :D
E logo logo vai ser eu a te visitar lero lero lero =P
Deveria ter um seriado assim: Todos visitam Marta =P Fala sério, até que o nome é legal =P ehhehe


By Blogger Lucinha, at 29 de agosto de 2009 às 23:01  

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sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

You gotta love our dear Aura, of Hack! ♥

Shinobu here, as usual. ~
I didn't go to Cheila's, she had an appointment with her doctor.*sad*
*cof cof* So...erm...I don't have many things to post here. I've just been busy with Trickster (and that stupid boss at the pyramids that is seriously starting to annoy me...I'm tired of being teleported to Megalo when he's almost dead -_-)...and with Phantom School (L)
Luh-chan asked at Nyah! Fanfiction to create a category for Trickster's fanfictions, so I might post it there...or not.
At any rate...Aura's over there since I wanted to post her song from Hack//Sign.
I can't remember its name, so I'll just post the lyrics in english...god dammit, I love Aura, Alkaid, Haseo, Silabus and Sakubo! ♥

If you are near to the dark
I will tell you about the sun
You are here, no escape
From my vision of the world
You will cry all alone
But it does not mean a thing to me
Knowing the song I will sing
Till the darkness comes to sleep
Come to me, I will tell
About the secret of the sun
It's in you, not in me
But it does not mean a thing to you
The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
I hope you see the sun
Someday in the darkness
The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
But you can't see the sun
Ever in the darkness
It does not much matter to me

Listen to .hack//G.U. - Shino's Honeysuckle and try to sing goes pretty well with Shino's theme. (I forgot to mention that I also love her...*cof cof*)

Oh!, and to the morons who are mad at me for not helping them drawing...suck it up. I suck at drawing, and I'm too busy for you, dammit! Search for a tutorial or learn it yourself...I'm not going to waste my time to get even more angry (blame the boss!) while drawing something that I'm going to hate. ~.~

Well, since I've got nothing else to say, I'm going to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, to drool all over Draco and his awesome nickname for Harry..."Saint Potter". (Y)

Signed out while inserting the DVD of Saint Potter in the drive,
Shinobu. ~


UHAUHauhauA =P tá vendo eu sirvo para alguma coisa... =P agora você já pode escrever mais capítulos da sua fic!
E você acredita que aqui se traduziu trickster como MALANDRO? O.O"
uahhuaahuahuuha eu ri muito.. eu assim fic do malandro? que fic do malandro que ela tá a falar?

Adoreii a musiquinha e não se revolte com isso de desenho =X uhauahuahu

Draco = MUITO BRANCO o.o" e ele é loiro, eu não gosto muito de loiros =P
sou mais o harry, eu acho =P

By Blogger Lucinha, at 29 de agosto de 2009 às 23:04  

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quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

My future 3rd job at Trickster...Champion! (L) [the pic belongs to L-A-B-O at DA!]

Shinobu here, desu! ~ (I've been watching Rozen Maiden, so don't blame me for it...)
It's been a while, hasn't it? Like, weeks.
I've been a little...erm...okay, I've been seriously busy.
With what, you ask...?
Well, first of I was, all happy and making a sweet entry to my dear fans (which I believe to be nonexistant, but putting that aside...), and I saw that the pictures of my previous layout had been removed. Sooo, I went looking for another one, and it was pretty troublesome...until I found this one, who kinda fits in my tastes (although I had to make a few changes). I guess that now (for real), "making a blog layout" is on my "to do" list. Gotta beat lazyness, ugh...
So, moving on...I've been writing some crap to train my sh*tty skills (if you remind the other entry...), and I still believe that I suck, meh.
To all the morons who I call friends that are reading this...yes, writing. Some of you, might be shocked, others might even praise me and tell me to go on...or others might even already knew about it, like senpai.
Moving on again...this week has been seriously fun! On monday I went to visit
Sara, yesterday I went at Cheila's and today I went with colombo with my dear friends: Cheila (notice how she's the one that's everywhere? Now now, you can no longer say that I'm the one that's everywhere!), Pedro, Mariana. Cheila (see?) dragged her cousin along, Fábio. We had a good time, and guess what...tomorrow I'm visiting Cheila (seeeee?) again with Mariana 8D
Well, since I don't feel like telling how it was like (actually I do, Pedro's sayings were just too awesome to be ignored...I believe that after this one, I like that moron even more [despite of your lack of inteligence] *-*), I'm just going to pass to the main theme of this entry, desu.

It has been a freaking year. A YEAR!

To all of the morons who are still reading, and that didn't understand what I's been a year since I went through that stupid sirgury. I must admit it, it was the worst phase of my life. I was seriously down and everybody put me down, telling me that I was being a crybaby and all of those craps. I am one to say, that none of those morons who said it, know how hard it was. To all the ones that stayed by my side, I believe that they know how down I was, and how I felt. I really, really thank you for everything...despite of our craps, and arguings, and all of those things, I really love you guys. I want you to know that you are part of my little world and that I am really glad that I got to meet you. The laughs, the tournaments, the jokes, the troubles...everything means a lot to me.

But, although this is going to sound stupid, there is one person that I really want to thank to, despite of my lack of courage to tell it in her face...the one who supported me most, who never left me alone, and that looked at me in the eyes, smiled and said that everything was going to be alright, even if I just had puked all over her. The one who held my hand when I was taking off the blood for the transfusions, the one who went to buy me cookies since I hated the food at the hospital, the one who, when she left, would call me right away to ask if I was okay. The one who even slept bad just for me...thank you, mom. Despite of everything that I ever said, and everything that you did, you are the only one who will always be able to see through me. And, you know...I want to be like you (but I don't want to be a babysitter, I'm tired of all the stupid crybabies.).

So, I guess that's all.
That stupid thing came from the heart, so don't bug me about it.
I'm going to get some rest, since I am tired (blame Mariana, since she wanted to go around and around to search for clothes that she didn't bought).
So...until next time, desu.

Signed out while going "desu~",
Shinobu. ~


Well, you can count me as a fan. And believe me, its kinda hard to find a layout that actually fits perfectly.
It took me a couple weeks, due to my weird tastes and lazyness :o

And of course you have to let me know once you finish your story. I cant wait to read it ^0^

Regarding the surgery, dont think about it too much.
It was a bad time but is gone afterall. Focus on the present and enjoy every single second of it :p
Also, only mom's have that kind of power ne? They really are awsome, despite everything they might say or do at some point.

P.S - Sorry for the HUGE comment D:
I promise i'll work on it ^-^''

By Blogger Sara ~, at 19 de agosto de 2009 às 15:10  

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domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009

Ain't me [Sousei Seki] and my twin [Suisei Seki] the cutest thing ever? *-*

Shinobu here, somehow sleeppy. ~
I've been really busy these days...writting.
So, I kinda started a new fanfiction to train my skills (which are pure sh*t, allow me), and you can find it if you search for...guess what? Shinobu, at Nyah! Fanfiction. (I know, I know, you weren't expecting that user ne...*sarcasm*)
If you feel like helping me, why don't you go, read, create an account and post a review? I soo would love to recieve reviews (a) (now is the moment where you kick me for my desperate actions to get reviews.)
Well, next...
I wanted to write a story about Draco, but I wanted to do something really good, and with these stupid skills...*sniff* ç_ç
But, oh least I was able to write Than's petpage (do you know what it is? no? too bad for you :T) properly, and I liked the results! Now I only need to do the stupid layout 8D (and that reminds me that I should do a decent one to the blog...but this one is cute, and I'm lazy as hell, so...)

Oh, and, I'm really happy...Inês went to England, and she says that she'll take me next year with her ♥
Although it might be something atm, who knows if I won't be going...? I would also want to thank everybody that read the previews entry and still, helped me to feel better. After all, the whole roads and paths that I crossed while I was looking for angels, were just a waste of my time.

Signed out while dreaming of going to England,
Shinobu. ~


Cute picture indeed.
And i must disagree with this post of yours.
Your problem isnt your skills, is your lack of confidence :p
So let me know once you finish your current fanfic and start the Draco one! Senpai here wants to read it as soon as possible ^0^

Also, keep in mind that when i win the lottery we'll be going to a Host Club and all! :p
[Looking for Lui xD]

By Blogger Sara ~, at 3 de agosto de 2009 às 07:29  

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