quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009

Yes. No image today. Also, no intro.
And why is that?
I just decided that it's time for me to reveal the whole truth about me, that nobody besides me ever found out. I always looked like the moron who liked to joke around, but that inside, understood everything. To keep yourself like that, you can't let people to get into your wise area, and therefore, you hide it As for me, the way I found to hide it, was lies.
Correct...the moron Marta, after all, does the worst thing in the world.
Every single human has his own way to hide their dramas, their fears...their past.
Mine, is lies. Lies about what I feel...lies about what happened. Lies about why didn't I answer, nor call.
It just gets out because I dislike revealing the way that I feel to the others.
My lies are lies that others will soon forget, so it won't hurt nobody...but, there's one that I regret that I ever made up such thing. It was a lie created to justify my loneliness, and to explain how I felt about grandad's death. I know that you already forgave me for that, but still...I am sorry.
Everybody has already lied, that's correct...but I sure wasn't like this. I was really bad at lying...now, I can lie as I speak normally and nobody will understand.
Therefore, I'm trying to heal it...
I believe that I have taken some steps foward, as there are some persons who I never lied to...but still, still...there's lots of things to do, to improve, to think...

If after reading that, you will still stay by my side, and wait for my recovery...then, it's amazing how the angels that I spent my life looking for, are right beside me.

Right now, the only thing I wish for, is that Khastral is real, so that she'll come and to forgive all my sins. Unfortunately...you're only my original character who stays in my mind.
Even if, knowing you as your creator, I think that you would forgive me after this...I would want to hear it from you.

I don't know how far will this go, nor I know if I can be forgiven. All I know is, that for now, I want to stop, and I believe that that's enough to take a step foward and to stop this crap...
That's all. So...until the next time...bye.


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terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009

Teito from 07 Ghost, which is making me think if I'm going to watch it [he looks cute, admit it! D:]

Shinobu here, writting while playing Trickster.
It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry 'bout that, but I'm the laziest person in the world, ha 8D'
Also, I've been into Trickster and such...I'm finally a damn boxer
just kinda marked history as the biggest jump ever while watching a movie. It was so amazing that everyone that was in the cinema started laughing when she said "That was scary!" XDD
Well well, I wished I had a recorder, but stupid cinemas don't allow them in...meh, screw it.
It was fun to bug everybody around, and it became even better after I scored a brilliant goal to Pedro in Space Disc. But damn, Leandro scored 4 in a row! You should had warned us that your coursin was brilliant playing it, Sara. 8D
Guess that's all...yeah, I know. I took a lot to post here, and when I do, it's all about crappy stuff. Well, deal with it D:
Oh, and I found out that Killua's birthday is on 15th July, so happy birthday! *-* (it was a week ago, but since I don't care, you shouldn't care either 8D)
I'm going to drool all over Draco with Senpai, so bye now!

Signed out while drooling over Draco,
Shinobu. ~


Hah, that friend of yours reminds me of myself, everytime i watch horror movies xD
Tell her to watch 'When a stranger calls' .. you'll die laughing from her reactions ! :p

And writting about all the fun you have with your friends isnt crappy.. at all :o
Its an awsome way to remind yourself of the cute moments you had in the past ! ^^

As for Draco..
Yea well, its not our fault ! 8D'

By Blogger Sara ~, at 21 de julho de 2009 às 17:58  

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sábado, 11 de julho de 2009

Tohno Minagi's tears are enough to describe how I feel.

Shinobu here, tired of cleaning. ~
I know, I know...I delayed my post again. But, I wanted to write something cool for here...but I guess I'm not like Lucia. I really would want to express it like you do, so I'll try it here.
But...don't expect something that good.

I have to go with Lucia's opinion. The stupid attitudes are growing, and are eliminating kindness. I'm sick of walking around like a super hero that tries to save everybody, but that everybody puts down. I believe you know me well enough already, but you still don't understand it. I have a life too, I'm not as strong as you think that I am. I can endure it, and that's all I've been doing lately. You never saw me crying, and you'll never see it. But still, I have feelings, like all the other humans. So, stop being a damn moron, and start caring for your friends. BUT, caring and minding their bussiness isn't the same stuff. And, to you, who write what you did in my building, get a life, seriously. Or else, I'll write your name around too, and I'll spread all the bad stuff about you that I know. I'll repeat it again: do not mess with me when I'm pissed. Repeat the joke, and I'll torture your mind until you feel like dying. And dear, don't think that I don't know who you are, because once I see someone's letter, I fix it, and I know yours.

Well, I got nothing else to say (maybe I have, but I am too pissed to do it right now). I believe that the message is given, and so is the warning. I'm getting really pissed, and I am tired of being such nice person to someone like you, who doesn't deserve it.

Signed out while controling her impulse to kick someone's ass,
Shinobu. ~


The world ignored us, the world left us behind, just because we aren't the little model that they are used to, nor the girls that the guys usually like, nor the ones that take low grades. No, no! Let's not just walk away. We'll be strong, and get over all of this. I have you, and you have me. Let's get over it and set our book together in the market!!! Remember, the persons are like wine. The time ruins the bad and improves the good. And we'll be great wines (6)

By Blogger Lucinha, at 11 de julho de 2009 às 10:29  

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domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

Cliff + Claire = (L) [the nice pic was drawn by Lover09 at DA!]

Shinobu here, desu. ~
It's been a while since I put anything here, so today's post is going to be a little...big.
I wanted to post this yesterday, but my brother kicked me out of the pc before I could do anything...and before, I couldn't have posted anything due to some issues ~.~
Yesterday, it made 2 years that my grandad died. It's been kinda of hard, living with the guilt of not having done a lot of things...he was one of the few persons that I didn't know that I would miss this much. If possible, wait for me up there. I'll...meet you, and we'll do all the things that the grandads do with their grandsons, like walking together and eat an ice cream. And, you know, you don't know how hard it was for all of us to see you leave. Mom fade away, I fell down, and so did Aunty Nanda...despite of what happened, she forgave you for everything you did, so please, forgive me too, for all the things that remained untold. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have runned, nor cried. But now, I can't move on with that...so please, forgive me too, for not going to visit you nor going to pray for you, but I just can't...so, I'll just help Mom and Aunty rise again.
I'll tell you now what I said when you were burried...

I don't want to say goodbye, so let's just think of this as a "see you later". If you wait, I'll be the grandson you wanted, the one that would run as hell just to hug you. And, when I see you, I'll run to your arms, and I won't let go of you, never again.

Thanks for everything, really. You will always be missed...just rest in piece, dear grandad. ~

Well, since I kinda am crying, I'll just pass to the next topic...
Marg, your jump while watching Rec was too awesome! I never saw anybody get scared as ya did XD
You couldn't even sleep in the night, haha ~
And, I discovered that actually I can drive, yay! I always thought that I would suck, but after playing Test Drive with the steering-wheel at Joris' with him and Marg, I found out that I am kinda good. I learned how to play in just 10 mins, haha. So, who knows if in a few years, I won't be driving in the streets...if you see me, please be careful, as you might get runned over :O

I'll keep the rest I wanted to talk about to the next post, which I believe that will be in Tuesday, since that day I'm going to Cheila's with Sara :D
Well, guess I'll be going to play HM with senpai now, so bye ^^

Signed out while drooling over Cliff-san,
Shinobu. ~


Im sure your grandpa forgave you long ago, if there's something to forgive ^0^

One of the reasons why i love horror movies is exactly that one. I love to see everyone screaming, jumping and scared :p
Driving isnt hard btw.
You get used to it pretty fast, i can tell.
I cant wait to see you driving around! :D
Ganbatte ^0^

And HM is just too awsome xD

By Blogger Sara ~, at 5 de julho de 2009 às 09:21  

Moments are temporary, there are stuff in the life that don't come back. Even if you like someone or whatever, always leave her with a kind word, do not think only in tomorrow, think in the today. Sometimes we don't have a second chance, but who knows if someday you'll have it? You'll be next to him and you'll spend good moments together! Just think a lot to not get through it again. Losing something is sad, but it is needed for our growing, for learning. The time doesn't stop, and your life goes on. :]

By Blogger Lucinha, at 11 de julho de 2009 às 10:28  

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